Good Hustler: Katey Love || Mesmerised


As i’ve moved into working in the early learning education space, i’m more and more convinced that the early moments of our discovery are some of the most important in forming the neural pathways for lifelong curiousity and a love of learning. Imagine how super stoked I was to meet Katey Love at a leadership event. She wanted to chat Good Hustle (imma always got time for that!) and when I found out what her good hustle was - designing products for babies that not only help with facial and shape recognition but keep them mesmerised, I was thinking next good hustler profile STAT. And here she is, living the classic good hustle trajectory of stumble across an idea, wrangle with it, know its time, surrender to it, get it out in the world, see your dharma in action.

Like many of my early clients that lead me on the start of the good hustle journey, her awakening came with motherhood. It’s such a powerful time for many women, and I believe that its a moment where the concept of being merged with another in unconditional love is experienced viscerally for the first time. Its what I think enlightenment is, being able to truly know a heart connection. Love by name, love by nature, love her products. Let’s meet her and her good hustle:

“ I'm a graphic designer by trade, but have always harboured a desire to  create and sell my own products, and to do something a little more  meaningful than just design ads for the rest of my life! So when I was  home with my first baby in 2010 it seemed like the perfect time to  embark on a project. I noticed that my daughter was quite captivated  with black and white images; she would stare at them for great lengths  of time while lying on her playmat (newborn babies are attracted to  simple black and white shapes due to the fact that their vision is  still developing and they can't see in much detail).

Books of this  type were almost impossible to find, so, seeing a gap in the  marketplace, I set out to design one myself. I decided to self-publish  because it allowed me to be in complete control of the product from  start to finish. I set up an online store and knocked on the door of  every bookstore and baby shop in town and was overwhelmed by the  support I received. This first book, Mesmerised, was a success, and so  I hired a wholesale distributor to get nation-wide stockists on board,  and then started on a second book, Baby Face. I now have a range that  also includes a cloth book and flashcards.”

Describe your business/org/service in one powerful sentence.
Mesmerised is a range of products designed to nurture infant vision, and to keep babies stimulated, engaged and happy!

How do you integrate service to others in your business model?
My service is ultimately to the babies using the products - my goal  from the start was to create something very functional and engaging. I  design the books purely with infant vision in mind, and don't let any  unnecessary detail get in the way. I also hope that it starts kids off  on a life-long love of reading. My BIG service dream is to distribute  the books to communities and maternity hospitals in disadvantaged parts the world.

Along the way I've also realised that these books are important to the  parents as well; they keep baby distracted and engaged, which is very  helpful for Mums and Dads needing a few minutes of breathing space.  They also provide a way for parents to interact with their new little  human when it can sometimes be hard to know how to 'play' with a  newborn baby. Similarly, I support and promote PANDA (Perinatal  Anxiety & Depression Australia) whenever I can, because parenting is a  hard gig!

I also try to make my customer service the best it can possibly be,  and try to be as kind to the environment as I can by using  recycled/recyclable packaging materials, and printers that source  their materials from sustainably-managed forests.

What were some of the highlights and lowlights of your journey to where you are now?
The highlights are definitely the hundreds of photos I have received  from customers over the years showing their baby enjoying the books.  Having my books chosen by St Georges hospital in Sydney in 2017, to be  given to all babies born as part of their literacy program was also a  big highlight.

Lowlights would be the disappointment when a supplier doesn't deliver  the quality I expect (I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I get pretty  cranky when things aren't right!). There has been a fair bit of trial  and error over the ten years, but fortunately I have good  relationships with most of my printers and manufacturers now, and we  are all on the same page when it comes to quality and consistency.

Do you have a spiritual practice?
I have been practicing yoga for at least 5 years and I couldn't live  without it. The strength and confidence it has given me (both  physically and mentally) has been invaluable. I do classes on a weekly  basis and also try to practice at home (although this is not as often  as I would like, but it's amazing what even just 5 minutes can do to  set me up positively for the rest of the day (note to self to do more  yoga at home!)). I love it when a teacher sets an intention at the  beginning of the class and passes on little pearls of wisdom. It  really is a wonderful learning experience for the body AND the mind  every time.

Advice for others who want to start their own good hustle?

Mentors, mentors, mentors! In the early days I used the mentor program  that Business and Employment Tasmania were running, but even just a  quick phonecall or coffee with someone in your field can help you see  things from another angle, or provide you with an invaluable piece of  information. Seek them out however you can; they will pass on little  gems that no amount of schooling could provide.

Want to be mesmerised or mesmerised a little new someone? Link love below.
Insta: @mesmerisedbooks
Facebook: @mesmerisedbooks

If you want to be featured as a Good Hustler drop me a line and tell me about your business and you and why your hustle is geeeeeewwwwwwddddd. All people I evangelise for are completely independent of me and my business ventures unless specified. I just freakin love what they do.


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